
Welcome to the website of the construction company Akor

You Build- trust Akor

What We offer

Reliable and efficient finishing services based on materials from proven manufactures. With Us You will make :
  • Gypsum plasters (also those of considerable thickness)
  • cement-lime plasters
  • bricklaying
  • installation of doors and windows
  • gypsum cardbord
  • szpachlowanie
  • painting
  • insulation of buildings
  • Facades

For Who We working?

Our offer is addressed to General Contractors, Developers ,Investors ,Institutional clients ,Public Adminstration entities and Private individuals

What Customers value in Us

Quality,Vocabulary ,competitive prices, professionalism in service, both at the stage of valuation and also afetr sales services. In the industry We are since 20 years

We bet on the experience of the team and specialists ,which are the quarantee the quality of construction works.

There is no better certyficte of quality such as staisfied customers opinions , which we have hundreds in our country and abroad.


agregat do tynków putzmix

Gypsum plaster is a type of plaster used in construction. They are a mixture of gypsum and water which you put on secure Surface. Gypsum plaster is universal material that can be used in many diffrent ways.

Can be used as a external finish and even a base for others materials such as ceramic tiles or carpet.

Cement-lime plasters

Small, smooth, shiny wall appearance is our specialty. Overhead and its ready For the clients rquaest we add nobel plaster. We assure proven and „clean” brigade. We carry out orders from our materials as well as entrusted by customers.



Walls to paint or to wallpapering ,no metter old or new substrate ,we prepering almost with closed eyes. We have professional equipment and experienced teams


malowanie budynków

Painting requires wall preparation.If You want to avoid mistakes and save your time is better to entrust this process to a proven team. We will properly prepare tools and rooms against accidental dirt.

If in the walls remain traces of screws or nails or minor scratches or cracks ,we will fix them so that you can enjoythe effect of beautifully painted walls.

Ocieplenia budynków

Impementation of insulation works (residential and industrial buildings ), walls insulation, foundation. Attics and roofs it’s our specialization. During insulation we do extra works as:installation of gutters drain pipes,window sills replacement ,roof soffit.

If you care to make the best insulation work and cooparate without any problems we kindly invate you to contact us. Especially for You we will make a free quotation.

Montage windows and doors

montaż okien

Even the best quality of windows and doors does not retain it’ properties, if they are montage improperly. Improperly assembly may result damaging , formation of thermal bridges. Later can be dampness of door frames,and consequently development of mold and fungi.

That’s way is the reason to hire the qualiefied team, which will professional carry out the so- called

Montage of Gypsum boards

Dry wall constrution is cheaper, comfortable and faster rather plastering. If you don't have experience in construction, more safe and cheaper will be to entrust the task to a professional company.

In Akor we will choose for you plates and fasteners to the type of rooms. We will also carry out thermal and acoustic insulation.To the end we will connect the joints ,we willl mask the screwsand all we will paint.We doing this 12 years .Trust in our experience .


Zachowanie równości płaszczyzn ścian i pionów jest istotne nie tylko ze względów estetycznych. Aby podstawa konstrukcji była trwała i mocna, potrzebni są doświadczeni murarze.

Także materiałów do budowania ścian jest dużo, ale każda technologia murowania wiąże się z pewnymi zasadami. Brygadziści AKOR zapewnią nie tylko prawidłowe wykonanie specyfikacji. Zagwarantują też uniknięcie kosztownych błędów i wypadków.



A façade is more difficult to change than a mismatched shirt, so when choosing a façade it is important to bear in mind whether it is consistent with the architecture of the surroundings, the choice of the right material and the weather conditions during which it will be applied. Our specialists know more about façades than most.

We have experience with many types of façade from traditional plaster, brick, architectural concrete or tile to modern: wood, sheet metal or façade wallpaper. Contact us and we will prepare the perfect solution for you.

We build permanent relationship with our clients









Realizations of Akor

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